Thursday, 28 March 2019

Litterless Lunches

Pine Grove encourages litterless lunches at least twice a week so we can lessen waste production. By doing this we are helping the earth, people and animals. As a school, we create so much garbage. Think about it... there are about 450 students at our school, if each one brought their sandwich in a piece of plastic wrap instead of a container... that's 450 pieces of plastic ending up in the landfill. Canada is such a big place with so many other schools that we have to watch what we put are lunches in. It's not even that hard!

Image result for litterless lunches

What is a litterless lunch?

A litterless lunch is a lunch that contains no garbage, exactly its name. You can only use reusable containers and water bottles. Try to avoid using plastic bags or water bottles. If you have any garbage then take it home. You can even reuse some of it! For example tin foil, saran wrap and many more, you would even be saving money.

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Why is a litterless lunch important?

When using containers or reusable water bottles it will help the environment and reduce climate change. Like we said before, if we do this we're helping the earth. Even people and animals that live on this beautiful planet. Speaking of beautiful planet, we don't want to ruin it by using plastic. Even if just some of us are doing this it would be helping OUR planet!

Pack a litterless lunch every Tuesday and Thursday, Pine Grove!

- N, M, & M

World Water Day 2019

World Water Day

World Water Day is a day that focuses on the importance of conserving fresh water. It is celebrated on March 22 every year. Simple actions at home, such as using a reusable water bottle or turning off the tap while washing dishes, can have a big impact on the environment and help to support the cause!

The Eco Club will be selling Drink in the Box, reusable water bottles, and rafiki chains from Monday, March 18th to Friday, March 22nd.

Options Available:

  • Pine Grove Eco water bottles
  • Drink in the Box
  • Rafiki Chains (pre-order)

Junior/Intermediate (upstairs classes) - a table will be set up outside of the intermediate pod.

Primary (downstairs classes) - Eco Club students will be coming around each class to sell.

All proceeds will be donated to Wateraid Canada.

Thank you for your support, we look forward to hearing about the unique ways your family participated in raising awareness and taking action!