Monday, 1 October 2018

The 31 Day Zero Waste Challenge

Welcome to another eco friendly year at Pine Grove! Our eco club will be meeting regularly on Day 2's during lunch recess to plan another exciting year.

To kick off the school year, we challenge families to take The 31 Day Zero Waste Challenge.

Week 1:
Monday: Zero Waste Tip of the Day: Say No to Straws
57 million plastic straws are used in Canada each day. Here’s the challenge: Next time you’re at a restaurant, order your drink without a straw. You could say. “I would like a soda without a straw. Thank you.”

Tuesday: Zero Waste Tip of the Day: Reusable Water Bottle
In Canada, 65 million water bottles are landfilled each year and only 50% of that 65 million is actually recycled. Here is the challenge: Before you leave your house, make sure you have a reusable bottle with you. Don’t forget!

Wednesday: Zero Waste Tip of the Day: Zero Waste Snack
Most snacks come with a lot of packaging. Think about how all of those tiny packages add up. Here’s the challenge: Instead of buying a prepackaged snack try to make one yourself.  For example, You can make homemade trail mix, stove popped popcorn, apple slices and peanut butter, etc.

Thursday: Zero Waste Tip of the Day: Save Water
The average American home uses 400 gallons of water a day. Here’s the Challenge: Pick two new ideas to implement at home.

  • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth
  • Take shorter showers or only fill the bathtub halfway
  • Help wash produce in a large bowl instead of understand running water
  • Fill up the sink to wash the dishes instead of under running water

Friday: Zero Waste Tip of the Day: Get outside
Nature is a beautiful thing. It is easy to get caught up inside watching TV, playing video games, or doing too much homework. Getting outside is a great reminder for why you’re trying to save the world! Here’s the challenge: Get outside! Spend 15-30 minutes each day outside and observe the beautiful natural wonders of nature.

For more information, check out