Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Earth Hour

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Earth Hour is an international event usually held on the last Saturday of March between 8:30-9:30pm.
During this hour, people around the world turn off their lights in support of addressing climate change.

At Pine Grove Public School, we will be participating in Earth Hour on Friday, March 23, 2018 by powering down and turning off or unplugging all non-essential lights, computers, and other electrical devices. Through learning and action, we can make a difference for our planet.

In addition to our school Earth Hour event, we encourage students to take this message home and as a family, participate in Earth Hour on Saturday, March 24, 2018 between 8:30-9:30pm. Some activities you could do include: stargazing, board games by candlelight, watching an eco-themed film, or make a family pledge to commit to protecting the environment. By reducing and conserving our energy use we are helping to reduce the amount of air pollution in Ontario caused by the burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity. In fact, the air quality in Ontario has improved in recent years because of these types of actions.

We look forward to hearing about all the creative ways your family participates in Earth Hour! Photos are welcome!

Thanks for your support in this worldwide movement to raise awareness about climate change and protect our planet!

The EcoTeam

Thursday, 8 March 2018

World Water Day Fundraiser

World Water Day is a global event celebrated each year on March 22nd. On this day, people around the world take action to conserve water, educate others, and celebrate this vital resource! This year Pine Grove Public School will be participating in a Water Awareness and Action Campaign. During the week of March 19-23, we will encourage students and their families to take action in conserving water, protecting our waterways, and celebrating this amazing resource. 

Simple actions at home, such as using a reusable water bottle or turning off the tap while washing dishes, can have a big impact on the environment and help to support the cause! 

Throughout the campaign, students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities in their classrooms. As well, The Me to We Committee and the Eco Club will be selling Drink in the Box and reusable water bottles from Monday, March 19th to Friday, March 23rd. 

Options Available: 

  • Pine Grove Eco water bottles
  • Drink in the Box 

Junior/Intermediate (upstairs classes) - a table will be set up outside of the intermediate pod.

Primary (downstairs classes) - Eco Club students will be coming around each class to sell.

All proceeds will be donated to Wateraid Canada. 

Thank you for your support, we look forward to hearing about the unique ways your family participated in raising awareness and taking action!